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2012 2nd Semester, 3rd Year




This is my extended body of art works (23 July – 8 Nov 2012) based on the portrayals of women in contemporary media and advertisements.


Each work is based on a real and published contemporary commercial or printed advert with the caption/punchline inserted to highlight and satirize the portrayal of women in media today.


In every instant where a female is featured, they are replaced with that of a cow: the animal bred for either meat (which symbolises the objectification and sexualisation of women) or on the other hand, for reproduction (which speaks back to how women are pictured in the kitchen and perpetuate women’s naturalised motherly role).


This series of oil paintings comprises of six large 30×40 inch oil paintings on canvas and many smaller +-14x15cm oils on fabriano paper as preparation pieces. This series aims to highlight and draw attention to the manner of representing women in common everyday media and how they perpetuate gender roles and objectification. The substitution of the cow figures helps add absurdity and humour.

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