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2012 1st Semester, 3rd Year

These are various paintings done throughout the first semester of 2012, my 3rd year of fine art study, specialising solely in painting.

The works are various sizes and media dealing with different subject matters etc.
These works are pretty much a bunch of experimental paintings in preparation for our extended second semester series of artworks based on one self-decided concept.

*See end of page for COLOUR PROJECT.

Colour Project

This project focused on us experimenting with the use and power of colour in painting and the psychology behind certain colours.
I decided to look at the use of negatives and colour inversions.
For this series, I painted the actual paintings in the negative’s colours. These images are based on personal family analogue spool negatives. I then digitally inverted photographs of these paintings back into the “positive” to reveal the image as we would see it developed as a colour photograph.

*note: Open gallery to view images full size

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